What is Divorce?
He Divorce is a legal form of Family right and is normally defined as:
"The action of dissolving the marriage bond through a judicial registry that allows divorced spouses to remarry"
What requirements do I need to initiate the Divorce?
A Family Lawyer can start the Divorce process only with your Certificate of Marriage in Quintana Roo by three different routes:
- Lfirst is for the Via Administrativeto
- The second is for the Via Volunteer
- The third is for the Via Unilateral
The Request Form that is presented to the Judge to Initiate only needs to be accompanied only by your Marriage certificate Original issued by the Civil Registry.
If they had children from this relationship, you should consider attaching the Original Birth Certificates with their proper simple copy to the Family Court of your locality.
What if I have a House or Vehicle that I want to divide?
If you have real or personal property that you would like to divide, you must present the purchase invoices or Deeds that prove your property so that the Judge can decree the liquidation of the Conjugal society
What should a family agreement contain?
The following requirements are commonly observed for the family agreements of Voluntary and Forfeited / Unilateral Divorce in the laws of our States:
- Who will live with the minors and the disabled in the same address
- The Calendar of Visits and Coexistence that the family member who does not live with the minors will have
- The amount, mode, and form of payment of the nutritional care of minors
- The guarantee that corresponds to the 12-month calculation of the food payment
- Who will continue to live in the house during and after the separation
- The express confirmation of the address of both spouses and the obligation to communicate any change of address
- How to divide and use the Marital Partnership during and after the separation
Can I Apply for the Pension for my Children?
If the defendant will be requested for alimony and he works within a legally constituted company, the Judge will have to be shown the RFC of the person who is obliged to pay the pension
In the event that the defendant was self-employed, the Court will calculate it with the Unit of Measurement and Update (UMA), which is the economic reference in pesos to determine the amount of payment of the obligation.
The Alimony must be paid Monthly to the Minor through the Bank Account of the Family Court from the moment the request to the person in charge of said payment is notified by the Court.
How long does the Divorce process take?
The speed of the Divorce application and its resolution It is only in the hands of the Family Court, who, according to the workload of its staff, attend all cases according to the date it was presented, so they do not is in the hands of the lawyer
For a Voluntary Divorce, the hearing date can be set in just 1 month and with a difference to the hearing date of 1 more month
Meanwhile he Administrative Divorce, a lawyer can formalize it in up to a week, as long as they do not have minor children or real or personal property that do not divide yet
Do you need a lawyer for your divorce?
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