What is Family Violence?
The Domestic violence is born from the inequality of the power relations that exist in the family nucleus
It is executed by a family member who lives or not in the same domicile in a cyclical or systematic way.
These acts are usually in order to subdue, dominate, blackmail or control, which is why to prove their existence it is not necessary to show injuries
What is the origin of Family Violence?
In the roles that exist within a family, the continuous existence of acts of abuse of power, they become the relationships of hierarchy and subordination
In which the strongest and the weakest play their roles in reason and measure of the psychological, physical and social
Today the coexistence between people is influenced by the stereotypes that have taken root in Mexican culture
These are usually rules that are not written, whether they are social or moral, they are things that are usually accepted as true, legitimate and just for the common good
It is on these "bases" that the roles and stereotypes that end up being the motives of abusive and subordinate relationships take place.
What is Physical Violence?
This is the most serious form of manifestation of family violence
It is usually practiced intentionally in relationships in the form of hitting, cutting, burning and depravity against the integrity of the other
What is psychological or emotional violence?
The result of relationships of this type is reflected in the alteration of self-esteem and self-worth of that person
Here teasing, insult, threat, the disqualification of abilities, unpleasant opinions, prohibitions to decide and even give an opinion until reaching the isolation
What is Sexual Violence?
Starting in certain cases from celotype, which is usually the form of control, in which another person is forced and subjected to pain within the practice of sexual intercourse
The intention to manipulate or dominate your partner and the generation of harm against him
What is Economic Violence?
Intentionally breaching the maintenance obligation it is usually one of the manifestations of this type of violence
Since the seizure of the assets, documents and income of the couple or a family member are usually situations that usually arise
What is the Cycle of Violence in the case of Women?
The National Autonomous University of Mexico has described three usual moments in cases of mistreatment against women:
- The Tension Stage.
- The Violence Phase.
- The Honeymoon Stage.
At the end of the third stage, where there is a period of pause for this violence, which is not eternal since the tension usually begins again and this situation repeats itself cyclically.
What Factors Influence Violence Against Minors?
There are three factors in abused child syndrome in cases of child violence:
- A minor recipient of Violence.
- An adult aggressor.
- The trigger factor.
This type of violence is usually characterized by being systematic, which entails the transmission of this culture of family violence from one generation to another.
The process of abuse can be overcome by taking the appropriate therapeutic sessions on time
How does Family Law influence Family Violence?
It is important to state that all family members owe and deserve respect
Likewise, it is declared in international conventions regarding the right to grow up in an environment where their emotional, physical and sexual integrity is respected.
For which all family members have the protection and defense of Public Institutions that work within the framework of the Law against Family Violence
How can I protect myself from Family Violence?
The Civil and Family Law grants the Judge the power to apply protection and prevention measures
These measures must be requested within the request that your lawyer prepares and presents to the Family Court
Not all cases need the same measures, since each particular situation must be evaluated by the professional in order to provide an adequate legal defense.