
Are you Interested in a Property?

Let us help you confirm all the information about the property that you would like to acquire.

Our legal property investigation service offers you the following:

  1. Confirm the Owner's details in the Public Registry and the current Public Deed.
  2. A History with specific data of the 5 Owners before you.
  3. Confirm any liens on the property as active mortgages.
  4. Specific information of the lawsuit in which a property is found.
  5. Confirm the total amounts of active liens within a property.

How to Investigate a Property?

These are the steps you will follow to verify a property and the stages of the investigation:

Step 1


Contact us to confirm the data of the property that interests you on our Website or External

Investigación de Propiedades en Venta 1
Step 2


We will verify that the Property is still available and the identification data of the property

Investigación de Propiedades en Venta 2
Step 3


We will send you an email to confirm the payment of the investigation

Investigación de Propiedades en Venta 3
Step 4


The Investigation is carried out in the RPP and the preparation of the Report

Investigación de Propiedades en Venta 4
Step 5


We will send to your email the report of the investigation of the property that you need

Investigación de Propiedades en Venta 5

The Delivery Time of the Investigation Report is 2 business days

The Total Cost of the Investigation is $2,500.00 MXN