Corporate Lawyer
A Corporate Lawyer helps the life of a Company that is constituted by a Moral Person through a Mercantile Company in Playa de Carmen to give you certain benefits and legal protection if you have the appropriate advice for your business line
What Does a Corporate Lawyer Do?
He is the specialist in the field of Corporate law, which is responsible for the creation of Societies or Associations, as well as the acts of companies to regulate their internal rules and stipulations

How Does a Corporate Lawyer Help Me in Playa del Carmen?
Carrying out an Extraordinary or Ordinary Assembly can be as easy and simple as you want, as long as you have the appropriate advice
Reason why you must rely on a professional to guarantee that all the formalities that the Law stipulates for each Point that is added to the Agenda in the Call will be carried out

Where does a Corporate Lawyer in Playa del Carmen help me?
Our services in this matter are carried out by a Public Notary of Playa del Carmen or the State of Quintana Roo, to publicly certify those present and the votes in the Assembly

When do I need a Corporate Lawyer in Playa del Carmen?
If you need to carry out an Ordinary Assembly
When you must prepare the Call for an Assembly
At the time of preparing the minutes to be presented to the Notary Public

What are the Requirements to Incorporate a Commercial Company in Playa del Carmen?
According to the General Law of Mercantile Companies these must always be created before a Notary Public and advised by a Lawyer in Playa del Carmen so that he is sure that all the formalities and data following the Deed are completed:
- I.- The names, nationality and domicile of the physical or moral persons that constitute the company;
- II.- The purpose of the company;
- III.- Your company name or denomination;
- IV.- Its duration, which may be indefinite;
- V.- The amount of the share capital;
- VI.- The expression of what each partner contributes in money or other assets; the value attributed to them and the criteria followed for their valuation. When the capital is variable, this will be expressed indicating the minimum that is set;
- VII.- The domicile of the company;
- VIII.- The manner in which the company is to be administered and the powers of the administrators;
- IX.- The appointment of the administrators and the appointment of those who must carry the company signature;
- X.- The way to make the distribution of profits and losses among the members of the company;
- XI.- The amount of the reserve fund;
- XII.- The cases in which the company has to be dissolved early, and
- XIII.- The bases to practice the liquidation of the company and the way to proceed to the election of the liquidators, when they have not been designated in advance.

What types of Assembly for a Condominium are there in Playa del Carmen?
- Any modification to the Constructive writing and its regulations, will be agreed in Extraordinary general assembly, in which it can also be resolved and agreed, in the case of destruction, ruin, old age, expropriation or damage to the Condominium, for which they are summoned with the anticipation that the circumstances demand it .
- Will be Ordinary Assemblies those that will be held on a mandatory basis at least once every six months, and in these the Lawyers in Playa del Carmen can resolve about all of the following:
- I.- Modify the Constitutive Deed of the Condominium and approve or reform its Regulations, and these must be registered in the Public Registry of Property in the cases and conditions that the one and the other foresee;
- II.- To freely appoint and remove the Administrator or Administrators, in the terms of this Law, from the Articles of Incorporation and the Condominium Regulations, except for those who work for the first year, who will be appointed by those who grant the Articles of Incorporation of the Condominium; The Administrator or Administrators will be empowered to act on behalf of the General Assembly of Owners and may or may not be one of the Owners; The Assembly of these will fix the relative remuneration, which may be waived by any condominium that agrees to serve the position free of charge;
- III.- Specify the obligations and powers of the Administrator vis-à-vis third parties and those necessary with respect to the Owners, according to the Articles of Incorporation and the Condominium Regulations;
- IV.- Establish and modify the default rates in charge of the Owners, in case of non-payment of maintenance and administration fees and for the reserve fund;
- V.- In the terms of the previous sections, appoint and remove the members of the vigilance committee;
- VI.- Resolve on the class and amount of the guarantee that the Administrator must grant regarding the faithful performance of its mission, and the management of the funds under its care, both for maintenance and administration, as well as the reserve for replacement of implements ;
- VII.- Examine and, where appropriate, approve the account statements submitted by the Administrator for its consideration, as well as the annual activities report submitted by the oversight committee;
- VIII.- Discuss and, where appropriate, approve the spending budget for the following year, where the fees accrued by the administrator and other workers will be established; PROPERTY ACT IN PROPERTY CONDOMINIUM OF THE STATE OF QUINTANA ROO Page 19 of 37
- IX.- To establish the quotas in charge of the Owners to constitute a fund destined to the maintenance and administration expenses and the reserve fund, for the acquisition of implements and machinery that the Condominium must have;
- X.- Instruct the oversight committee or whoever is designated to proceed before the competent authorities when the Administrator or the Administrators violate this Law, the Condominium Regulations, the Articles of Incorporation and any applicable legal provisions;
- XI.- Adopt the appropriate measures on matters of common interest that are not included within the functions conferred on the Administrator;
- XII.- The others conferred by this Law, the Condominium Regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and other applicable provisions.