What is the Exit and Return Permit?
It is the authorization issued by the National Migration Institute (INM), which allows a foreigner to leave and return to Mexico for 60 days when they have an immigration process pending resolution
Where should it be processed?
The Exit and Return Permit must be processed at the same office where the pending immigration process was submitted, 4 days in advance, or in case of emergency at the point of departure from Mexico, for example, the airport ( force majeure).

What are the requirements for the Exit and Return Permit?
Electronic format to request the Exit and Return Permit
Acknowledgment of the request for the process pending resolution.
A child-size color photograph (size 2.5 X 3 cm), from the front, white background, with the forehead and ears uncovered, without earrings and without glasses.
Proof of payment of fees.
Written document indicating the cause of force majeure, when the permit is requested urgently.
Can you process the Exit and Return Permit for me?
Yes, you send us an email with the subject Exit and Return Permission, indicating the force majeure reason why you need said permission, when it is urgent and attaching the following:
✔️ Acknowledgment of the request for the process pending resolution.
✔️ File containing the plane ticket with the travel itinerary.
✔️ Copy of the Passport where your generals appear.
Or, you can send us your request and the necessary documents through WhatsApp to any of the numbers that appear at the end of the text.
We receive the mail, we process its content
We take the application form and writing for you to sign, we collect the proof of payment of rights and the photograph
We present at the INM offices and / or at the airport the procedure to obtain the Exit and Return Permit
We collect the Departure and Return Permit
We deliver it to you.

Do I have to pay Duties?
Yes, you can consult it in the 2021 Valid Rights