What is the Digital Signature?
It was defined at Electronic signature as an involvement of data in electronic form consigned in a data message, or logically associated with it, which can be used to identify each signer in relation to the data message and to indicate that the signers approve the information collected in said message of data.
In Latin America and Mexico there are laws, rules, regulations, provisions, circulars, decrees, resolutions and policies that include the electronic signature as valid, as long as they meet the requirements.
Is the Digital Signature Valid in Mexico?
Electronic signatures are valid before the law and can be used as evidence in any trial in the Mexican Republic before any competent authority.
To ensure their legal validity, it is necessary that the documents signed electronically meet the reliability requirements according to the Mexican legal framework, becoming the binding signature, which obtains the same legal effects as any handwritten signature and the same probative value in any trial held. in Mexico.
What do I need to Digitally Sign my Contracts?
It is necessary to adhere to the Official Mexican Standard - NOM-151 On the Conversation of Data Messages and Document Digitization, which establishes the requirements that the software in charge of time stamping and proof of data message conservation by an authorized PSC must have .
An Intelligent Certified Document with Shielding Layers is created, which is made up of a .ZIP File with Sealed PDF (With ASN1 File) and Blockchain Certificates (PDF and XML)
We start with the reception of all the related documentation and annexes of the main contract

The second thing is to take care of the writing of the final Project of the Digital Contract according to the needs of the client

The Contracts / Documentation are uploaded to the System in order to prepare for each one a Smart Certificate for the Digital Autograph Signature or if you prefer with your signature and FIEL that SAT issued you.

Digital signature
It is sent to the Mail Private Electronic of the parties to the Contract the encrypted link where they can sign any digital contract and commercial agreement of this type legally in Mexico:
✔️ Creation of Trusts
✔️ Real Estate Sale
✔️ Promise of Sale Contracts
✔️ Commercial and Housing Leasing
✔️ Promissory notes
✔️ Donations
✔️ Work Contracts and Subcontracts

What is the use of a Digital Signature in a Contract for?
The most important thing when signing a contract is the validity of the signatures collected in it, since the simple manual signature does not guarantee that it has been reproduced on the date specified in the contract.
In Mexico, the Notary Public has the function of attesting to a solemn act between people physical or moral, which can be contracts, agreements and others that create, modify and extinguish rights and obligations of the same.
There are different notarial processes that can validate a signature:
✔️ The Ratification of Manual Signatures
✔️ The Certification of Digital Signatures
Legal security
📄 The Digital Signature runs on Amazon's High Cloud Security Standards.
📄 Custody of Contracts and Commercial Agreements with Safe Storage.
📄 End-to-end document data is encrypted (E2EE)
📄 The Contracts and Annexes are not extracted
📄 We never keep the E Signature or FAITHFUL of the signatories
📄 The use of your E signature and FIEL is independent of the SAT
If you need a quote for our Digital Notarial Services, we can gladly send it to you completely free of charge!