If you need to carry out a procedure and they are informing you that you need to obtain your RFC, you have just arrived at the appropriate website to obtain it, and know more about this Registry.
What is the RFC?
The key to Federal taxpayer registration (RFC) assigned by the SAT, the Tax Administration Service, identifies individuals and legal entities for the Control and Verification of the Payment of Taxes and Tax Duties.
What is the purpose of getting my RFC?
In a Family Trial, serves to identify the person in charge of the food payment so that the existence of a source of income can be verified where they work or fulfill their professional functions.
To present the Registration of a New Job, and that your Employer can pay the necessary taxes.
When they are going to issue you a tax receipt, in other words an Invoice.
When applying for a bank loan or credit, this is one of the information that they will request in addition to the curp.
What are the requirements to get the RFC?
You only need to be 18 years old on the date of your application, have an Email account and present your Unique Population Registration Code or better known as curp.
At what time can I carry out the procedure to get my RFC?
The Online Processing Request can be started 24 hours a day, so it can be done practically at any time of the year.
How to get my RFC?
Your RFC Key has 13 characters. The first two usually correspond to the paternal last name, the next third is the initial of the maternal last name and the fourth character belongs to the first name.
The following are the year of your birth, the month and the day; the last three digits are one homoclave which is assigned by the SAT (Service tax administration).
Can I Get My Free RFC?
Yes, all Mexicans can carry out this procedure for free and at the same time the Government does not impose any tax obligation or need for any declaration to have the registry, only until they begin to have Financially Remunerated Activities.
Young people looking for a job need take out the RFC as soon as possible, to be able to present it in the Companies to which you decide to apply for a Job Vacancy.